Monday, September 8, 2008

Post Op

Well, as fate may have it, I've really got very little to write about today, other than that I've been spending more than 16 hours a day for the past three days in bed. What a let down huh? After my 100th post!

I had laser surgery called PTK done on my right eye on Friday afternoon, to treat something I've had for the past year called a Recurrent Corneal Erosion. I won't get into all of it, but let's just say it's not fun. Actually, I felt fine the day after the surgery, but yesterday and today I've been feeling pretty darn crummy. I couldn't even make it in to work this morning.

The dogs have been great company through all of this. They stick close to me when I'm napping and rarely leave my side unless grandma's coming over to take them for a walk. Today is one of those days I really wish Daniel were here, instead of in Germany, so far away. Actually, I wish he were here all the time, but today it feels like a stronger need, rather than just a simple desire. I'll see him soon. And then I'll miss the dogs, so I better relish this recovery.

1 comment:

Moira said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery. Glad your pups are taking good care of you.

And congrats on your 100th post!