Yesterday she sent me an article from the Philadelphia Inquirer, and I was so outraged by the news that I proceeded to send it to all my dog loving friends. Saudi Arabia's Islamic Religious Police, in an effort to keep men and women from mingling in the streets, has banned the sale of pets, and made it illegal for men to walk a dog or cat in public. The prohibition went into effect last Wednesday in the capital city of Ryadh, and violators found outside with their pets will have their animals confiscated.
So now, how are the dogs in this city going to get their exercise? How will they even go to the bathroom? And what happens to the dogs and cats that are confiscated? Where do they end up?
In protest, I'm featuring this very awesome retractable leash from 26 Bars and A Band. It's a sure fire way to attract plenty of attention, whether you want it or not. And let me just state for the record, that I feel lucky and blessed to be able to walk my dogs whenever and wherever I please.
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