I do dislike squirrels. Sometimes my feelings get the better of me and I let the dogs have at them, but most of the time I'd prefer they leave them alone, only because I can't stand the thought of how scared those poor little squirrels must be, with two unruly dogs out to get them.
Dan and I have a long standing difference of opinion on this subject. He likes letting Gus and Charly chase after all the different animals in our yard: squirrels, bunnies, toads, you name it. He never lets them actually catch the animals, but he thinks it's good for their mental health to hunt.
I on the other hand feel bad for the prey, and prefer it when my dogs wage peace, not war. Of course their hunger for squirrels is pretty much insatiable, and despite my frustrations with the boys when their lower brain stems take over, I still love them.
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