It's definitely Monday cause I've having a terrible time getting back into the swing of things. First off I had to take the dogs back to my mom's house last night for their weekly three day sleep over at her house. Of course the minute I drop them off I start missing them.
Second, I was up late on Saturday night watching movies with my brother at his house, and didn't get home until 2 in the morning (not typical for me, way past my bed time). I slept until 11 a.m. on Sunday so then of course last night I wasn't a bit tired and didn't end up falling asleep until, gasp, midnight. So then getting up on time this morning was a real nightmare.
Third, I had to drive all over the city this morning to meet a delivery truck and coordinate the installation of furniture and chairs for several of our City properties. Well communications first thing Monday morning never go all that smoothly, and I missed the delivery truck like three times at three separate sites. A delivery and install that should have taken an hour and a half ended up taking three, with a lot of aggrevation and wasted gas to boot.
The only thing keeping me from calling it a day is the fact that I spotted a dog themed dish towel in the window display of the Bibelot on my way back to the office from that horrendous delivery. So I stopped in and bought the towel, and I can be proud of at least one thing I did today. Sorry but I can't find an image of the dishcloth online. Yet another disappointment in my string of disappointments...... Oh well, it is a Monday.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Baby Mania

We've welcomed three babies to the world this week. None of them ours, all of them brand new and beautiful. No, I'm not pregnant, first we've got to get married in August. But three of our good friends all gave birth within a week of each other. Two of the babies in fact were born yesterday.
Imagine our surprise when we received the second call yesterday, from our friends Alix and Holly. We'd already heard about the first brand new baby earlier that day, and so the news of Jasper's early arrival blew us away.
In fact, we had just been over to Alix and Holly's for a dinner party on Sunday, a last hurrah before baby. Jasper wasn't due until this coming Sunday, but I think the cheese cake I brought for desert(which Alix had been craving for months) did the trick. And so out he came, five days earlier than expected. Yey!
Love, Love, Love this travel diaper changing pad from My Retro Baby. Makes me almost want to change a diaper.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
What's Up Doc?

We brought Charly to the vet yesterday. He's been acting normal, except for he's been limping on his back hind leg for the past three weeks. The thing is, he's been going on all his walks, he's continued to run around and play with his brother Gus, and he's has had no problems jumping up onto our bed and back down again. Despite everything looking relatively fine, (except for his gate of course) we took him in.
A half hour later and the vet couldn't find anything wrong with him. She told us his muscles, his bones, his ligaments, everything was looking really healthy. So has Charly recently acquired a bad walking habit? Is this his new strutting style? His new runway walk? What the ???
By the way if you saw Charly today he'd look like the dog in this Doodle Dog painting! Seriously, you can't tell anything is wrong with him he's so energetic and exuberant.... except he's got kind of a funny walk...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tag A Long

It looks like we've finally got Spring here in Minneapolis. We're always at least three weeks behind everybody else on this front, and today's the day we get to join the rest of the U.S. in spring frolicking. It's going to be a whopping 70 degrees this afternoon!
Yesterday wasn't too bad either. We made it up to around 64 degrees, and to celebrate everybody went biking. Seriously, even me, after a long hard day of work. I hopped on my bike and took a leisurely pedal around the lake. The bike path was crowded with bikers, rollerbladers, and runners, all of us trying to get a breath of the fresh spring air before nightfall.
The best part of my afternoon yesterday was seeing three different bikers cruising along with their dogs in their bike baskets. Too bad Gus and Charly would never fit into a bike basket...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
After Dinner Mint?

Dan and I have our household chores pretty well divied up. Most of the things we split equally. If he cooks dinner one night, then it's my turn the next night. If he cooks, I clean. If he walks the dogs, I take out the trash. If he washes the laundry, I fold it, and vice versa. Tit for tat as they say.
Yesterday was Dan's turn to cook dinner, and my turn to walk the dogs. Of course a simple dog walk turned into a nightmare when both dogs decided to sniff out and proceeded to consume massive amounts of left over dog poop from somebody else's pup!
As soon as I realized what was happening I yanked them back from the crime scene, and then forced my gloved hand into their mouths. I had to yank out huge baseball sized poops, and Charly especially had poop all over his mouth and snout! It was horrifying!
So I cut the walk short, and rushed home. I had to interrupt Daniel in the kitchen for him to help me get the boys into the bath tub and washed. The smell eminating from their mouths was so revolting that it took the two of us several washings each to thoroughly clean them up.
Yesterday's incident was almost as bad as the time Gus got into a thick foamy coat of slime on Cedar Lake. But not quite. Note to first time dog owners or people who do not own dogs: Most dogs eat poop. Some eat it more frequently and some eat it less, but almost all of them eat poop, either their own or somebody else's.
I remember being horrified when Charly did this for the first time as a pup. I immediately called the veterinarian and she told me it was normal behavior. I hung up the phone, and stood there dumbfounded at this new information I had learned.
Charly doesn't eat poop very often, but once in a while, especially in the Spring when the ground is at its most fertile with left over thawed dog poop from the winter, he gets into something gross.
Look at this beautiful pristine retro biscuit dinner jar from Barker and Meowski. Too bad Gus and Charly won't be getting any treats for a while. Just Kidding!
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