It's been a pretty rough month. First Daniel came down with the cold that half the city seemed to be getting. Then I came down with that exact same cold, which eventually turned into a much worse version, some sort of terrible sinus infection that lasted three weeks. And then on Monday I somehow threw my back out, which immobilized me for 20 minutes (very scary), and then forced me to miss yet another day of work, there have been four so far this month. It's been a rough month to say the least.
Have you ever noticed how incredibly helpful it is to have your dogs around when you're sick? Seriously, emotionally, it is so much better to curl up in bed and feel crappy when there's a dog there with you to keep you company while the rest of the world keeps on moving. I definitely felt 10 times better when the dogs were at home with me, than when they were over at grandma's house because it was her turn to take care of them. Even Dan noticed that whenever the dogs were around the color came back to my face, if only for an hour.
It looks like I may be on the mend today. My sinuses feel clear, my head's not spinning, my back is sore but I can walk and come into work. This simple Akita dog puzzle from Canoe Online would have been so nice to have with me on my sick days off. Entertaining and easy enough to do when you're slowly fading into a nyquil induced nap.
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