Hurray for Ratchet and Operation Baghdad Pups! On Sunday the rescue group flew into Baghdad and picked up the Iraqi dog, who was adopted by Army Spc. Gwen Beberg during her 13 month deployment in Iraq. After three separate tries to get the pup out of Iraq, he's finally on a plane and on his way to joining Beberg in Minneapolis, Minnesota!
The U.S. Army bars U.S. soldiers from caring for pets while on duty or from taking the animals home with them when they leave their posts, but 65,000 people from Illinois to Italy have signed a petition demanding clemency for Ratchet, and with help from Washington, it looks like the dog will be in the U.S. by the end of this week.
But the Army's policy has yet to change regarding pets, even with the current outcry from people all over the world regarding Ratchet's case. Pets are amazing friends, confidants, and even therapists for soldiers in the middle of a war (for all of us)... The least the Army can do is let them bring their animals home. Please sign the petition for Ratchet, and get in touch with your congressman or congresswoman: Let them know No Buddy Gets Left Behind!
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