I called my mom in the States last night to find out how the dogs are doing (have I mentioned I miss them?), and to my suprise she had some big news for us... no, Charly's not pregnant, he's a boy, duh!... Gus chewed through her living room sofa, and there's nothing left of the cushions but a huge pile of sofa guts!
It's true. The boys are living with grandma while we're away in Bonn, and they absolutely adore her. Who doesn't love a grandma who spoils you rotten? Anyway, she and my brothers went out of town for five days and couldn't bring the dogs with them, so Gus and Charly stayed with their dog-sitter and one of their best friends Cathy, from
Urban Dog. Cathy takes great care of them, and they always have a blast hanging out with her.
Even so, when my mom came back from her trip, Gus and Charly went ape-crazy with excitement. Like most grandma's who haven't seen there grandbabies in a while, she made the big mistake of giving them both a treat, which Charly promptly ate no problem. On the other hand, Gus had the brilliant idea of hiding the treat in the crevices of the living room couch, where he could eat it later. He returned to the scene of the crime that evening, and without warning, proceeded to ravage the couch looking for his precious treat.
By the time my mom found out what he was doing, the sofa was basically ruined and Gus was standing there with his mouth open, full of sofa foam, fabric, and treat crumbs. Silly dog. You're lucky grandma loves you so much!
I think what Gus needs is his own sofa like
this one from an Italian company called dogsofa. It comes in several different color combinations and is super fly. Just love it!