Yet another rainy day in Minneapolis. That makes two in a row. We'll probably get three if the weather stays around for Saturday. All the football fans are going to be miserable. An outdoor stadium is great, especially when it is all new and exciting... but I'm not sure I'd like being out there on a cold wet Saturday. Even if it is Gophers vs. Badgers.
Poor pups. They're also going to be miserable if this weather continues. Rain makes it very unpleasant for all of us to go on our walks, and the boys get uptight and bored when they can only get out two or three times a day. I've tried to take them out in the pouring rain but they will have none of that. If it is sprinkling they don't mind, but if it's coming down hard they refuse to leave the house. And it's been on and off raining hard for the better part of two days.
Gus must have known they were going to be stuck inside for a while because on Wednesday when I dropped them off at Grandma's house he already had a plan to keep himself entertained. We just didn't know about it...
Grandma spoils the dogs rotten, and that day she had been to Petsmart and bought a couple gigantic raw hides for them to play with. Charly doesn't seem at all interested in raw hides. He never really has been. But Gus, he loves them, and in general will have one all chewed up within 10 minutes. That day, Grandma gave Gus his raw hide, and promptly left the house for an appointment.
When she returned home, Gus and Charly were both waiting excitedly for her, and the raw hide was no where to be seen. So she assumed Gus had eaten it up right away, like so many other times in the past.
That evening, as she was getting ready for bed, she noticed Gus sitting at the foot of the bed, staring at it intently. Grandma brushed her teeth, poured a glass of water, and started walking towards the bed with the intention of getting into it for the night. But as she got closer and closer to her bed, Gus became more and more agitated, to the point that he was barking and jumping and stomping all around the room. When she backed away from the bed he would stop, and when she would move forward again he would continue to bark.It was so disturbing that Charly, who had been quietly waiting on the bed for Grandma to get in, immediately jumped off the bed, thinking Gus probably didn't want him there.
Eventually, Gus hopped up on the bed and began to wrestle with the blankets, burrowing himself in the comforters. Some people call this nesting, when dogs make a mess of their beds, your bed, or the sofa. Grandma finally got into bed, and Gus made such a fuss that she took off the covers thinking he might want to get inside too, what with it being so cold and all.
And that's when she saw it, the raw hide, tucked neatly between the covers and a crack between the bed and the wall. Gus hadn't eaten the toy, he'd deftly hid it in Grandma's bed for safe keeping, but Grandma found out and ruined the secret! And took all the fun out of the next two days stuck inside.
On days like today sometimes I wish I had a heat lamp, one of those that's supposed to be good for your mood. Wouldn't it be fun if this lamp from Pure Design wasn't just a lamp but a heat lamp that could make you feel better when your feeling rainy day blues or boredom?